- class Simulator(dfp='model.dfp', sim_directory: str = None, verbose=0, no_progress_bar=False, timeout=inf, **kwargs)#
MemryX hardware simulator.
The Simulator provides a bit-accurate / approximately timed model for MXAs. It is built using SystemC and models the arithmetic operations / finite-state machines (FSM) of the chip to accurately simulate chip performance. After loading a Dataflow Program, the simulator consume provided input feature maps, run inference, and produces output feature maps. It will also measure the estimated FPS and latency.
- Parameters:
- dfpstring or pathlib.Path or Dfp
Path to dfp or a Dfp object
- verboseint
How loud the simulator and its function calls will be.
- sim_directorystring or pathlib.Path
Path for working directory. The simulator will create several files while simulating. Defaults to a tempfile.TemporaryDirectory.
- no_progress_barbool
Supress progress bar display.
from memryx import Simulator # 1. Use a compiled dfp s = Simulator(dfp=dfp) # 2. Use the specified DFP file s = Simulator(dfp='/path/to/model.dfp')
- run(inputs=None, frames=1)#
Run the simulator.
Simulate the configured dfp with the given inputs or random data if no inputs are specified. A running directory will be generated (defaults to a
tempfile.TemporaryDirectory). This directory will remain after the simulator finishes if :code:`sim_directory
was specified. This is a blocking call and is liable to take quite a while to simulate. For a non-blocking version seeSimulator.start()
The Simulator running directory should not be tampered w/ while the simulator is executing.
- Parameters:
- inputsnp.array() or list of np.array()
The array shape should be [N + input_shape] where N is the number of frames to run. If there are multiple inputs to the DFP (e.g. multi-model) then a list of (appropriately shaped) numpy arrays.
- framesint
Number of frames to run. The number of frames in ‘inputs’ args will override this.
- Returns:
- outputs, latency, fpsnp.array() or list of np.array(), float, float
Produces the NN output and reports the latency and FPS. The output data is returned as a list of np.array(). The arrays will have the shape [N + output_shape] for each output where N is the number of frames simulated. If called while the simulator is already executing it will return (None, None, None).
The latency is timed from the moment the first data of the input is consumed until the last data of the output produced. The FPS is calculated as the time between output frames.
- Raises:
- SimulatorError
When the simulator fails to run.
- ValueError
When the input is incorrectly configure.
- FileNotFoundError
When the running directory is tampered w/ during exectution.
# single frame, random data outputs,latency,fps = # multi-frame, random data outputs,latency,fps = # four frames of all zero data (assume 224x224x3 model input) inputs = np.zeros([4,224,224,3]) outputs,latency,fps =
- start(inputs=None, frames=1)#
Start the simulator (non-blocking)
Same functionality as run() except this function uses multiprocessing to spawn a child process for the simulator. The simulation progress can be monitored using
. Once the simulator is finished, results can be read back usingSimulator.get_results()
.- Parameters:
- inputsnp.array() or list of np.array()
The array shape should be [N + input_shape] where N is the number of frames to run. If there are multiple inputs to the DFP (e.g. multi-model) then a list of (appropriately shaped) numpy arrays.
- framesint
Number of frames to run. The number of frames in ‘inputs’ args will override this.
import numpy as np import time from tensorflow import keras from memryx import NeuralCompiler, Simulator dfp = NeuralCompiler(models=keras.applications.MobileNet(), verbose=1).run() # start a non-blocking simulation image = np.zeros([1,224,224,3]) s.start(inputs=image) while s.is_running(): print("{:.1f}".format(s.get_progress())); time.sleep(0.1); outputs,latency,fps = s.get_results() # spawn many simulators (4) to process many frames in parallel images = [image for i in range(4)] sims = [Simulator(dfp=dfp, sim_directory="simdir_{}".format(i)) for i in range(4)] [s.start(inputs=image) for s,image in zip(sims,images)] while(any([s.is_running() for s in sims])): print([round(s.get_progress(),1) for s in sims], end='\r') time.sleep(0.1) outputs = np.concatenate([s.get_results()[0] for s in sims])
- is_running()#
Get if the Simulator is running.
Returns the running status of the Simulator.
- Returns:
- running_statusbool
Return True if the simulator is still running.
- get_progress()#
Get Simulator progress.
Returns the approximate progress of the simulation run.
- Returns:
- progressfloat
Returns the simulator progress (between 0-100).
- get_results()#
Get the Simulator results.
Return the simulator results (if it is finished).
- Returns:
- outputs, latency, fpsnp.array() or list of np.array(), float, float
Produces the NN output and reports the latency and FPS. The latency is timed from the moment the first data of the input is consumed until the last data of the output produced. The FPS is calculated as the time between output frames. The output data is returned as a list of np.array(). The arrays will have the shape [N + output_shape] for each output where N is the number of frames simulated. If called while the simulator is already executing it will return (None, None, None).
- get_config()#
Get the Simulator config.
Returns the current config set for the Simulator.
- Returns:
- configdict
dictionary of Simulator configurations
- reset_config()#
Reset the Simulator config.
Clears any previously set config in the Simulator instance and sets them to the default values (defined in the constructor).
- set_config(**kwargs)#
Configure the Simulator.
Configure the Simulator with the keyword arguments listed in the constructor.
- Parameters:
- **kwargs
Keyword args used to configure the simulator.