Install Runtime (Linux)#
The Tools package includes the Compiler, but running models on real MemryX AI (MXA) chips requires a separate driver and runtime package. Follow the appropriate method for your system below.
Install the hardware before installing the Driver/Runtime in order to auto-update MXA firmware. If you install in the opposite order, please run this command to check for firmware updates.
System Requirements#
The driver and runtime libraries support multiple CPU and distribution combinations, provided via:
package repository (recommended)Standalone installer script (
Any modern x86_64 system with a suitable M.2 slot should work. Please see setup hardware for M.2 installation guidance.
On ARM, the SDK explicitly supports:
Raspberry Pi 5
Orange Pi 5 Plus
Orange Pi 5 MAX
Radxa Rock 5B
Other ARM boards may work but may need edits to the device tree. Contact MemryX for support.
The driver and runtime libraries are available for Ubuntu 22.04 on RISC-V. Currently, no premade device tree overlays are provided, but some boards may work out of the box. Contact MemryX for setup assistance.
First-Time Installation#
This method is recommended for Debian-based distributions (e.g., Ubuntu). It allows for automatic updates alongside your system.
If switching between channels (e.g., from “stable” to “early access”), first uninstall the old driver:
sudo apt purge memx-drivers
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/memryx.list /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/memryx.asc
Step 1: Prepare Your System
Ensure kernel headers are installed before installing the driver:
sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
Step 2: Add MemryX Repo and Key
Add the MemryX signing key:
wget -qO- | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/memryx.asc >/dev/null
Add the MemryX repository:
echo 'deb stable main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/memryx.list >/dev/null
Step 3: Update and Install
For most modern systems, update your package list and install the MemryX drivers and runtime libraries using:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install memx-drivers memx-accl
For older x86 systems (pre-2014 or Intel Atom), use the memx-accl-noavx package, which does not require AVX2 instructions:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install memx-drivers memx-accl-noavx
Step 4: ARM Systems Only (Raspberry Pi 5, Orange Pi 5 Plus, etc.)
For ARM systems, run the following command after installation to configure board-specific settings:
sudo mx_arm_setup
This will open a menu to select your platform and apply the necessary configurations (e.g., enabling PCIe Gen 3.0 for Raspberry Pi 5).
Step 5: Restart Your System
Restart your system to apply the changes.
Step 6: Verify Installation
Verify that the MemryX driver is installed by checking it’s version:
apt policy memx-drivers
Step 7: Utilities Installation
In addition to the SDK and runtime libraries, MemryX provides a set of plugins and utility libraries to simplify the development process. Many tutorials and sample applications rely on these additional components.
For detailed installation instructions, please refer to the Third Party Libraries Installation Guide.
sudo apt install memx-accl-plugins memx-utils-gui
For non-Debian distributions, use the self-extracting installer script. Ensure your system can build kernel modules (Linux headers, gcc, make).
Step 1: Download the Installer
chmod +x
Step 2: Run the Installer
sudo ./
Accept the default paths unless you have specific requirements.
Step 3: ARM Systems Only (Raspberry Pi 5, Orange Pi 5 Plus, etc.)
For ARM systems, run the following command after installation to configure board-specific settings:
sudo mx_arm_setup
Step 4: Restart Your System
Restart your system to apply the changes.
Step 5: Verify Installation
Verify that the MemryX driver is installed by checking it’s version:
cat /sys/memx0/verinfo
For built-from-source embedded distributions such as Yocto, you will have to build the driver from source [coming soon] or contact MemryX for assistance.
We strongly encourage users that can run an apt
-based distro (Debian/Ubuntu/Armbian/etc.) to use it on their board instead of Yocto.
For apt-managed installations (Method 1), the driver is updated along with your system. To upgrade manually, use:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install --only-upgrade memx-*
For Method 2, download and reinstall the latest versions manually.
Version Check#
To check your installed driver version, select the appropriate method based on your installation:
If you installed via the apt package manager (Method 1), use the following command to check the installed driver version:
apt policy memx-drivers
This will display the installed driver version along with the latest version available in the repository.
If you installed via the self-extracting installer script (Method 2), use the following command to check the installed driver version:
cat /sys/memx0/verinfo
This command will provide detailed version information, including SDK version, device serial number, and kernel module details.
See also